Eves Pupdate – Guide dog in training
Posted on 10th February 2025Hello, we are Ian and Lesley, Eve’s Puppy Walkers. We are excited to update you on what Eve has been up to since she came to live with us.
Eve arrived with us a few months ago and has been ruling the roost ever since! She is the fourth puppy we have walked for Guide Dogs and she has quite the personality. Although she is on the petite side she is very confident and has quite a bossy streak!
Eve will be living with us for around 12 months before she begins Guide Dogs Training School. Many of our family members volunteer for Guide Dogs in some way and so Eve is surrounded by passionate people who are so excited to be part of her journey to become a guide dog.
Who needs an alarm clock?
It took a few nights for Eve to settle in with us but now she sleeps through the night. We no longer need an alarm clock though, as every morning Eve will make sure we are all awake!
Eve shares her home with Ollie, a German shepherd pup, who is also training to be a guide dog. They love to play in the garden together and have so much fun. Despite only being a few weeks older than Eve, Ollie is much larger but is always so gentle towards her. We also have 11 tortoises who live in our garden, we love watching Eve sniff them and get confused when their little heads disappear!
A favourite pastime of Eve’s is to watch TV with us and her favourite film is Disney’s 101 Dalmatians! She has a little white Labrador soft toy which she carries around and a red Kong toy which she likes to chase around the garden – check out the photo below of her playing with it.
Focused pup
Over the last few months we have been taking Eve to puppy classes where she has been learning basic obedience skills such as ‘sit’ and ‘come’. It’s fascinating to see how focused she becomes when she is learning. She is a very bright little puppy and we are very proud of her progression.
We have taught Eve that a whistle noise is a sign that a reward is coming. We did this through whistle feeding, where we place her food down, ask her to ‘wait’, and then blow the whistle to let her know she can have her food. This teaches her good food manners but also develops recall skills as it encourages her to return to us when she hears the whistle. Our hard work has paid off as Eve is brilliant at recall and always comes back when called!
Confidence is key
Eve has experienced lots of new sights and smells over the last few months. We regularly take her to supermarkets and garden centres and we’ve introduced her to the bus and train. Eve has taken everything in her stride, going into every new situation full of confidence. This is a valuable trait as it means she will have the confidence to explore new environments when she begins Guide Dogs Training School.
Thank you so much for sponsoring Eve. Look out for your next Pupdate in June.